New News
Gnadaa Japan has started a training sewing center
Our Concept
“Gnadaa” means “to walk” in Sri Lankan Tamil. Gnadaa is a “social fashion” project launched to enable women in former civil war areas to realize their potential to “work” in society.

Our goal is to turn the sewing techniques that have been passed down for the home into “jobs,”
to provide sustainable employment opportunities, and to create works that can be used around the world.
At the same time, we hope to widely disseminate information about the current situation to Japanese society, create a forum for collaboration between young people, designers, and experts in Japan , and work to create a peaceful world, including international understanding.
Courageous women in a former war-torn area
元内戦地域トリンコマリーを訪れた時、荒れ果てた大地のなか、女性たちが赤やブルー、サフランイエローの 鮮やかなサリーを身につけ、壊れた道路を、子どもを抱き、ほこりだらけになりながら歩いていました。 瓦礫や破壊のなかであっても、生きぬくための決意と勇気を抱き、美しい色を身につけ必死に生きている姿は、 私たちにとても強いメッセージを与えてくれました。

Gnadaa Japan Social Fashion is..
Gnadaa Japan pays tribute to this very fashion.
We believe that fashion is not about the latest trends, but about expressing one’s identity.
We hope to work hand in hand with those who share our views on “social fashion.”


Fashion that contributes to a kinder world
Gnadaa Japan is a Social Fashion project—i.e. fashion that contributes to a kind society.
We support a low-income group of women living in Trincomalee, a former war-then town on the north east coast of Sri Lanka.
Together we develop and sell beautifully designed products to make our young producers economically independent while respecting their culture and lifestyles.
Gnadaa promotes the message that beautiful clothes is not about the latest trends or styles. It is about personal identity, beliefs and values and that Fashion has the power to change the world.